In April, Nu Fest 2023 in Venice celebrates their memory and spirit with two events, on April 6th at the Fondaco dei Tedeschi and on April 29th at the Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi, with the projects Solaris (Giorgio Li Calzi-Manuel Zigante) and Impro Brain Sound Pod (Paolo Dellapiana-Valeria Sturba).
What is the Nu Fest 2023 in Venice?
Nu Fest is Veneto Jazz’s signature festival of electronic and contemporary music, founded in 2007 by Marcello Mormile, the festival’s artistic director.
His knowledge of experimental music and his innate intuitive sensitivity to the discovery of new musical trends in this field met the history and structure of Veneto Jazz, giving birth to unprecedented projects such as Nørdic Frames, a festival dedicated to Nordic production, and unforgettable events.
The events of Nu Fest 2023 in Venice
April 6th: Solaris at Fondaco dei Tedeschi
In Solaris, at the Fondaco dei Tedeschi on April 6, two different musical paths converge on an original common ground, inspired by Tarkovsky’s film of the same name.
The project, born in 1986 from the encounter between Zigante’s cello and the electroacoustic sounds of Li Calzi’s trumpet, traverses electroacoustic improvisation, electronics and contemporary rewriting of Bach and Artemyev’s classicism.
Free admission by reservation only, by writing to Entrance 15 minutes before the start time of the event.
Manuel Zigante, a cello graduate of the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, is the founder of the Turin String Quartet under the direction of Piero Farulli (Quartetto Italiano) and the composer Gyorgy Kurtág, with whom he has performed extensively.
Giorgio Li Calzi, composer, trumpeter and music producer, is a cultural promoter and director of performance productions. He has produced jingles for many Italian brands like FIAT or Birra Moretti, he has composed music for theater and dance, played with musicians such as Wolfgang Flür (Kraftwerk), Lenine, Jon Balke, Marconi Union, and recorded during the 2020 lockdown with Arto Lindsay, Thomas Feiner, Frank Bretschneider, Stefan Németh, and the poet Chandra Livia Candiani.
April 29th: Impro Brain Sound Pod at Palazzo Grassi

Architect and electronic musician, Paolo Dellapiana is a transversal figure of the international experimental scene, former member of the Turin cult band Larsen since 1996.
As part of Nu Fest, he signs this new project with the multi-instrumentalist and singer Valeria Sturba, who crosses electroacoustic instruments with complex modular systems elaborated ad hoc, in a continuous search for avant-garde sound layering.
Reductions reserved for under26, over65, students, Palazzo Grassi or Punta della Dogana members.
Both with Larsen and on his own, Paolo Dellapiana has presented his music with extensive tours and concerts throughout Europe and the United States. He has shared the stage with legends such as Einsturzende Neubauten, Swans, Neurosis, Breach, Crash Worship, Ulan Bator, Michael Gira, My Cat Is An Alien, Allun, Ronin, The Living Jarboe, Backworld, Xiu Xiu, Thalia Zedek, Dresden Dolls, Amber Asylum, Current 93, Johann Johann Johannsson, Baby Dee, Fovea Hex, Piano Magic, The Dead Texan.
Valeria Sturba is a multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer. A violinist by training, she plays theremin, keyboards, synthesizers, electronic effects, loopers and sound toys, crossing electroacoustic instruments with complex ad hoc modular systems in a constant search for avant-garde sound layering.
She has participated in many national and international festivals such as Umbria Jazz, Electromagnetica (Chile), B-Classic (Belgium), Dong! (Denmark), Tectonics (Scotland), Dancity, RoBOt. He has collaborated with many artists such as Tristan Honsinger, Ernst Reijseger, Enrico Gabrielli and Calibro35, Stefano Bollani, John De Leo, Cristina Donà, Stefano Benni, Hamid Drake, Lino Guanciale, Anna Maria Hefele, Giancarlo Schiaffini.
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