The retrospective Vittore Carpaccio in Venice opens on 18 March and will be on show until 18 June. The exhibition is curated by Peter Humfrey, a specialist on the painter and his environment, in collaboration with Andrea Bellieni, member of the board of directors of the Musei Civici di Venezia and director of the Correr Museum, and Gretchen Hirschauer, curator of Italian and Spanish painting at the National Gallery of Art in Washington.
With this magnificent exhibition, based on discoveries and new attributions, as well as extraordinarily revealing restorations, we can offer the public and scholars an updated historical-critical reinterpretation of Carpaccio’s painting and its evolution, from the beginnings to the late works, which are usually neglected by critics.
Andrea Bellieni, Director of the Correr Museum
Many of the works on display are on loan from museums, churches, institutes and private collections in Europe and the United States. These works are essential to offer a tour that documents the evolution of Carpaccio’s art in the most objective and complete way.
His works, perhaps more than those of any other Venetian Renaissance artist, embody the essence of “Venetian”, that is, the opulent spectacle and mythology of the Serenissima, which was then at its economic and cultural zenith. With this exhibition, Venice also celebrates its history, its tradition and one of its most famous painters, who through his art tells us about the city and its beauty, giving us images of everyday life from a past that comes alive again.
Luigi Brugnaro, Mayor of Venice
45 paintings with religious, profane or genre themes illustrate the artist’s great imagination, narrative and descriptive skills, as well as his skilful painting technique. A striking core of drawings, on the other hand, demonstrates his particular ability to ‘study’ reality in detail, revealing his interest in nature, perspective, the customs of his time and the effects of light.

Prices and opening hours of the exhibition Vittore Carpaccio in Venice
Until March 17, 2023, one day before the opening of the exhibition, tickets cost only 10 euros instead of 13.
The exhibition can be visited from March 18, 2023 to June 18, 2023. In March from 9 am to 6 pm, from April from 9 am to 7 pm. Last admission always until one hour before closing.
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